Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Band Booster Club?

Our purpose is to support the band and guard program by raising funds, serving as a valuable resource for the students and directors, and volunteering at football games, contests, and competitions.

Who are the Band Booster Club Members?

A booster - in our case, a RVHS Band Booster - is a parent/guardian/family member of a student in the Sabercat Band. We meet every month to plan and all members are encouraged to attend these meetings to stay informed of the many volunteer opportunities and needs of our band program.

How do I become an active volunteer for the Band Booster Club?

​Parents must submit a background check with a copy of a valid ID to become an approved volunteer. After approval, you can start volunteering at football games, contests, and competitions.

Can I have booster funds allocated directly to my student's account?

The IRS prohibits booster clubs from distributing any funds to individual members. Booster clubs funds and events must benefit the group as a whole, not its individual members.

What does the UIL have to say about Booster Clubs?

Read here: and here: